Monday, April 4, 2005

Thank you all.

Ali update. I don't know exactly how she is but she refused medical treatment (she can. She's 18). She puked a few times so it got some stuff out of her system. She's still alive and didn't take anything else after the EMT's left. She might be staying here for a few days to get away from it all. Dad would drive her to school but we're trying to figure out how to get her back here after school. She's better but still not exactly happy about the fact that she's still alive. Oh, and she is talking to me even though I'm the one that called the ambulance. Gotta go now but wanted to say.....

Thank You in Many Different Languages for your prayers last night. They are definitly appreciated. So many people were praying last night for her and now that she'll going to be alright, I just hope that she makes the decision to NOT attempt to take her own life again. Thank you for all your prayers. I'm very concerned about her but I know that if she listens, God will speak to her and let her know what to do. I don't know where she is with her walk with the Lord but I hope that she realizes that everything she learned a few months ago at camp is true.


Picture from urltranslator.htm


Anonymous said...

Vickey, a good friend doesn't always do the easy thing, they do the right thing...and you, my dear, are a not only a good friend...but a great friend.  Great friends are the one's who call to say hello; they come to you not because they know what to say, but because they care enough that even if they don't know what to say they are there for you.
I'm glad that Ali is safe for now, I pray that she finds the guidance she's seeking.  *~Look beyond what's right now, Ali~*
*when we are flat on our backs there is nowhere to go but up.*-Roger Babson-
Take care love~

Anonymous said...

TG Ali's 'ok'.  The power of prayer is an amazing thing, as I've experienced it firsthand. The previous comment was so true, where it stated "a good friend doesn't always do the easy thing, they do the right thing". Ask Mommy about this. It has gone both ways with us- yet here we always are for each other with open arms once the dust settles.
This reminds me- If I haven't siad it before, and if I never say it again.... I want to say "THANK YOU." From the mother of my daughter, thank you. YOU are a true friend. Nuff said.