Thursday, December 16, 2004


Jake is really way too dependant. He depends on me to keep his sanity. I don't mind helping him but his world does NOT rest on my shoulders. I'm getting much better about realizing this and knowing that I can say something and the world will not fall down. I don't need to be the rock for everyone. G-d is the rock, not I. I am but a mere servant to Him.


Sunday, December 12, 2004

if I ever do....

kill myself, it’ll be with pills. Yea, I thought about this. I was in a very dark period and I know that hanging takes too much thought and I don’t have the strength (or is it weakness?) to use the razor. I’d never actually cut my wrists. I’m too scared that I’d cut a vein and kill myself accidentally. I’m scared of the pain as well.


Friday, December 10, 2004

From Thursday

I do intend to write stuff in here, so ya know. I just don't have anything lately. Sorry bout that. Maybe I'll just delete this. What do you think?


Tuesday, December 7, 2004

To Lindz

Okay now, here's the deal. I tend to come off as condecending and snotty when I talk to you about this in person so maybe on paper this will help me come across not so snotty. So read this, think about it & then comment, kay, Lindz?

All you need to do to pass gym is participate. Maybe you wouldn't faint if you ate something. Other than cheese and sugar (in the form of lemonade and soda, etc.). You need (and here is where I sound like BG) protein. You've gotta do something in class. That goes for all your classes. Just do your work and try your best. Ask for help when you need it. It's not that hard to pass. Straight A+'s isn't going to be easy. I don't recommend going for that. But having all passing grades or something might be a better goal. Worry about doing your best, hun. Off to be sarcastic to myself about Messina's idiocy.


A note

[Entries have been changed. First entry was deleted. Records (such as food intake) have been deleted.]

Tempted last night. No reason at first and then fought with Dad. Again this afternoon while talking w/Dad about his side of the divorce


Monday, December 6, 2004

From the other night...

That's it! Somebody remind me a) never use a pad again and b) why I'm such a dork. Pads are like diapers and that overnight one is longer than my foot! Yes, I measured! They're the longest ones. I decided to pour water on it (like they do in commercials w/blue liquid) & cut it in 1/2. Well, the liquid went to the center and all that shit. I'm such a dork. Bedtime.

Yea, yea. I'm a dork. So sue me.
