Monday, April 4, 2005

Thank you all.

Ali update. I don't know exactly how she is but she refused medical treatment (she can. She's 18). She puked a few times so it got some stuff out of her system. She's still alive and didn't take anything else after the EMT's left. She might be staying here for a few days to get away from it all. Dad would drive her to school but we're trying to figure out how to get her back here after school. She's better but still not exactly happy about the fact that she's still alive. Oh, and she is talking to me even though I'm the one that called the ambulance. Gotta go now but wanted to say.....

Thank You in Many Different Languages for your prayers last night. They are definitly appreciated. So many people were praying last night for her and now that she'll going to be alright, I just hope that she makes the decision to NOT attempt to take her own life again. Thank you for all your prayers. I'm very concerned about her but I know that if she listens, God will speak to her and let her know what to do. I don't know where she is with her walk with the Lord but I hope that she realizes that everything she learned a few months ago at camp is true.


Picture from urltranslator.htm

Sunday, April 3, 2005

Please, please, please pray for Ali.

Ali, please. Pray for her, send good vibes, whatever it is that you do, do it now, please. She's been in the hospital before (as you and I know) for attempted suicide and she may be back there. I think she's trying to kill herself again tonight. Please just pray for her. I know she needs it. For those that read my main journal (y'all prolly do), she's the one that I was concerned about in the Saturday Six entry and she is the one that I want the ability to make want to live. Please pray for her.

A very unnerved, unrattled, shaky, concerned Vickey

P.S. Worried doesn't even begin to cover it. Oh shit. She's already taken pills. Pray for her. I'm working on 911 as I type. Oh God.