Sunday, April 3, 2005

Please, please, please pray for Ali.

Ali, please. Pray for her, send good vibes, whatever it is that you do, do it now, please. She's been in the hospital before (as you and I know) for attempted suicide and she may be back there. I think she's trying to kill herself again tonight. Please just pray for her. I know she needs it. For those that read my main journal (y'all prolly do), she's the one that I was concerned about in the Saturday Six entry and she is the one that I want the ability to make want to live. Please pray for her.

A very unnerved, unrattled, shaky, concerned Vickey

P.S. Worried doesn't even begin to cover it. Oh shit. She's already taken pills. Pray for her. I'm working on 911 as I type. Oh God.


Anonymous said...

oh gosh! ill be praying. god bless! thanks for invitin me!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I hope that Ali comes out of this all right.  
sometimes instead of looking at things we need to look beyond them.  there's always something to look forward to and it's rarely ever right in front of you.
I hope that you are all right too doll, that's a lot to take.
*character is not made in crisis, it is only exhibited.*-Robert Freeman-
Take care~